Thursday, October 13, 2005

happy budday aditi

before i forget...happy budday aditi...since i may/may not be able to post tomorrow morning thats why today..
in class IX after all of us got reshuffled i was working with this girl i didn t know(that was Smita whose buddday also happens to be happy budday to her aso..)and her best friend tags along and we are all sitting generally getting bored n she says you know what Bill Clinton replied when Mahatma Gandhi asked him to reason for the failure of population control measures in india..(the answer was Gandhi not everything is made of Khadi..).That was 7 years ago.

although i admit i have not been much of friend to write home about especially after coming here..but she has been..keeping me updated on what my school frenz are up2 or generally being there 4 me. i know if i need to talk she s just a phone call away..i wish she could say the same about me..unfortunately that isn't very true this end..
so girl,have fun..enjoy your day..god bless..

coming to happenings here..we are having graphics lab exam on saturday..and since programming and i fell out some time around the data structures lab our semesterly run ins havent been particularly pleasant for urs truly...
so got2 study 4 that..n having something to study means starting to feel sleepy by eight..lil personnal challenges!!
anyways with somebdy linkin my choice of blog name to buddha like qualities kinda puts pressure to impart a daily dose of wisdom thing
so here 's a thought:
life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans
-John Lennon
so till tomo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dhiv, thanks a ton for a birthday wish that the whole world wide web can see. am sorry fro the late reply but u know me, the laszylibran (at least am better than other lazy people). Neways thanks again and lots of luv

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans...

very true..think over it once again..

3:27 AM  

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