Friday, November 11, 2005

Sometimes I surprise myself...kanjoos me is actually typing this from a between my exams (including ADA which absolutely should be scrapped...God knows the torture i went through yesterday..) am planning to launch an investigation into the Delhi bomblast just like a reader has advised..I don't want to react too much to comments because if i didn't want them i could always turn the feature off..but I write things in my blog which I feel about..sitting 3000 km or in fact even if I were next door the only thing I could possibly do would be to ask people to be carefull and say no to prejudice or fanaticism of any sort..if there is anything else I could possibly do please let me know ,I ll do it..
As for the suspended students they are reinstated and cause for their suspension wasn't standing up2 the morally wrong but instead inter-party scuffle..
and yes life will lose its meaning if there is no mahasagar jiska ant i have to search..
till next


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