positioning statement
on local to dadar an ad which caught Saumya and my eye...
Dont suicide (picture of couple hanging by noose)
For dangerous love marriages (couple garlanding each other)
contact Advocate blah blah
Mumbai high court
segment, target, position said Kotler.
Dont suicide (picture of couple hanging by noose)
For dangerous love marriages (couple garlanding each other)
contact Advocate blah blah
Mumbai high court
segment, target, position said Kotler.
The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance
u got de gyan in local...so never let de condition of suicide come...prevention z better than cure..
This topic is too heavy (Marriage, Suicide, Advocate(s) wlah wlah). Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind :)
Visits on previous 'day': 32.
u got visitors from Japan and North Korea as well...
and a host of other countries that my ignorance cant even recognise....
as states previously visible on the atlas
U beat me in the race..
Last one and no more comments by me.
There are two ways of living our lives. To see everything as a miracle or to see nothing as miracle. If you see everything as a miracle then science is born.
"The moon certainly makes everything more beautiful."
"segment, target, position"
Yeah, makes sense. Thats why most trains have ads in loos. I mean the "target" (or is it segment) is like everyone because everyone has to go.. ahem. You are also in such a "position" that you can't do anything more creative than gaze hither thither. So you *have* to take notice.
Other than that I have no idea who Kotler was. I'm guessing he invented loos.
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