Saturday, December 02, 2006

its silent"H"

What's in a name, the Bard said some centuries ago. Ask Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam or Vangipurappu Venkata Sai Laxman. And tHen tHere are otHers like DHivya Kumar. My parents couldn’t Have come up witH a more generic name witH cHameleon like properties. It’s a name tHat gives little away. THe sex of tHe person, wHere He comes from, notHing. You can venture guesses yes.

Kumar DHivya Mr….I was staring at tHe e-ticket wHile furiously dialing Jet Airways number.
WHen DJ told me about tHe mistake I tHink He expected me to sHriek curse n generally beHave in my normal Hysterical manner but I just nodded and sat down. I didn’t tell Him about tHe letter in my drawer

Dear Mr Kumar
Congratulations! You Have been selected for tHe PGDIM course in NITIE….

WHen my parents named me, tHey tHougHt Divya was an uncommon name. In Nursery I Had 4 otHer Divyas in my class. THat combined witH tHe soutH Indian H factor resulted into it morpHing into DHivya. ScHool was easy. I was called Kumar, everyone including my best friends tHougHt I came from
a)Rai Barreily, UP or
b) BettiaH, BiHar.
Till my mom walked into class, wHite flowers and sandalwood bindi intact. Perceptions cHanged overnigHt. Suddenly everyone realised I did pronounce bHaiyya as baiyya. THis was before ArundHati Roy made mallus exotic and JoHn AbraHam proved not all of tHem are dark, pot bellied and mustacHed. So tHere I was quickly relegated as a Madrasi and all madrasis were from surprise….madras of course.
ScHool life passed juggling between identities of
DHivya Kumar
Divya Kumar
Divya Kumari

College meant returning to my roots. I tHougHt Here in tHe land of anitHas, sunitHas and deeptHis I ll be safe. But Here tHe Kumar meant tHat I came from
a)Rai Barreily, UP or
b) BettiaH, BiHar
till I would open my moutH and string a broken sentence in Malayalam.
“OH wHen did you learn Malayalam? Its so difficult for nortH Indians.” SHopkeeper cHetta will venture patronizingly.
“CHerepattille”(in my cHildHood) I would reply.
So tHere my name would be in between Devender Kumar and Deepak Kumar. Attendance time meant tHe teacHer furiously scanning tHe boys’ row wHile I waved myself silly from tHe corner I usually sat in.

So How did a Malayalee end up witH sucH a name instead of sometHing like S. Parukutty or S.Babymol?
Long long ago my Dad went to fill a form at St.THomas’ Girls ScHool, New DelHi. Dutifully He entered my name as DHivya SuresH Kumar. THe receptionist or wHoever decided tHe SuresH wasn’t really tHat important and dropped it. My dad didn’t cHeck it till mucH later. And Dad being Dad didn’t feel a girl sHould mind sucH a name.

And tHe H? well its tHere to align all tHe planets in my favor and give me super duper success in life. A week ago I sat in an auto witH 2 classmates clutcHing a printout of tHe e-ticket bearing Kumar DHivya MR.
THe fligHt was at 0540 Hrs
0430 auto leaves NITIE campus
0445 tHe left tyre Has a puncture
0500 reacH CHatrapati sHivaji airport, realize fligHt leaves from domestic airport
0505 auto atopped by policeman
0510 autowallaH still negotiating for Hafta
0515 auto rolls into petrol pump
0525 airport
0535 lady at counter looks for Mr DHivya Kumar.

So mucH for planets aligning tHemselves!

All H’s are in caps to make this a record breaking post!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

now ths z called a funny entry..after ur egg biryani post...ths z de much awaited humorous entry by H silent...provin wht u hv written in ur about me...self mockery stuff..

1:06 AM  
Blogger Rohit said...

I hope the post has been deliberately over dramatized and you are not really worried about that letter.
I also hope that being an erstwhile computer engineer you didn't manually capitalize all those Hs.

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there some function in Word to chanfe any letter to capitals...or is it possible by using macros..

or r u that dumb to do it manually..don't think so, but one should never underestimate people..

Anyway pretty funny post


2:23 AM  
Blogger Rohit said...

@anonymous alias J
I'm tempted to put my geek cap on.

perl -e "while(<>){s/h/H/g;print;}"

Apologies to everyone. It was too tempting.

2:34 PM  
Blogger d_grail said...

@anonymous fren
...nw that am a funny gal...

u wud never realise the pain, the trauma, the whole heaviness of being- the H silent!!

@rohit & anonymous/J
i dunno about being a comp sci had anything to do with this but i jus used the replace function in MSWord..

5:25 PM  
Blogger aditi said...

okay this is HILARIOUS.... Was going to complain that y took so long to update the blog but this is worth the wait. N btw I for one never thought your from UP or BIhar, of course this makes a differnce only if u count me as one of ur friends. Btw, dont wallow in slef pit alone, mI for one have a name that ppl just refuse to use and when they do, ALWAYS pronounce it wrong, without fail

7:38 PM  
Blogger Rohit said...

err.. yeah that is a much more obvious way.

7:38 PM  
Blogger ken said...

gHreat post !!!

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to be tHe one telling you tHis but all tHe 'H' are not in capitals

1:11 AM  
Blogger Batty said...

totally loved it....awesome....the hritik post did ya write it....cos I thought u started writng smthing good..and found that piece of nonsense....:)))

2:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we ad even decided on whic train to catc as we were pretty sure tat we miss the muc awaited fligt to amedabad...
we all tougt tat er goin to ammedabad was jinxed coz of te appenenings before te trip..
well ..someow te planets relented.. and we ad to miss te planned train journey..

- one of te classmates, who appreciated te silent " "

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice description of a complete (Wo)man, it was really an amazing self description and a real one too...jus kidding... but a gr8 work....

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey.. amazing post !! :D :D :D


7:20 PM  
Blogger d_grail said...

now how could they possibly go wrong with ur name
finally..a compliment!
do u regret missn d train ride
thanx!!u would know, being tagged with a H dats nt thr!

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dhivya,
Now that I know the history behind your name, I have a reason to stammer the next time I see you...

Dhhhhiiiivyaa [:)]

- Atul

5:13 PM  

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